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Über Mich

Geburtstag: 17.05.1987 (Stier)
Wohnort:94036 Passau
Ich bin: solo
Musik: Rise Against, Ärzte, Lindsey Stirling, Rock StaticX Skillet Disturbed .... usw
Hobbys: Musik hören, teln, Schwimmen chilln
Dabei seit: 23.05.2010
Letzter Login: 19.04.2024 22:28 Uhr

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off xSnoWx(36) am 15.02.2024 07:40 Uhr

off xSnoWx(36) am 24.07.2023 14:50 Uhr

off W*o*L7*k*e*5(33) am 11.02.2023 17:47 Uhr

Danke. Dir auch ein schönes week!

off *markus*(42) am 28.11.2022 07:36 Uhr


off Sonne09(48) am 27.11.2022 22:01 Uhr

Danke, wünsch ich dir auch.

off Xave1203(43) am 31.07.2022 09:14 Uhr

Danke. Wünsche ich auch

off Xave1203(43) am 12.06.2022 21:35 Uhr


off sabimaus(35) am 12.06.2022 20:01 Uhr

off xSnoWx(36) am 08.05.2022 08:29 Uhr well feel sorry for the humans because on 9.11.2015 i saw terror attacks under false flag , corona and plans of a destruktion of berlin moskcou ... and even a world war....... sorry humans i am too afraid from humans outside God living in all humans and he can use animals like he want, we see it by yeshua and the fishing net , or by daniel by the lions ..... he know every thaught ........ well we should stop that and hold the holy laws because of love and repent ...... sorry only using the internet for writing what media dont say because well the world is ruled by iluminati jesuits freemanson. they did much evil things and sure good things too but i know by God is holy light there is no evil how can go inside . i just know it because of the 3 dreams with yeshua he is the way the truth the life , no one comes too his father but by him ..... well the world is a mess we should dont make the lamb yeshua angry . so please stop following the apokolypse like a coocking book they were allways there for call people repent from their wicked ways , i want that no one suffering so please do the right thing and not wrong things, we humans are all little tiny souls ......... work on your hearts pray read the bible and the other holy scriptures and make this world too a nice place and take care about animals and humans and teach right its importend that a human can grow too the right way. a wrong way is like you trow a seed into fire , .....

off xSnoWx(36) am 30.04.2022 01:35 Uhr
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